About Me

This is what I do.

I am a second year undergraduate student in the Department of Computer Science and Engineering at Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur. I am particularly interested in the application of Computer Vision and Artificial Intelligence in the field of Robotics.

I am a member of the Autonomous Ground Vehicle (AGV) Research Group, IIT Kharagpur. I have worked on the localisation and perception modules of Eklavya, our lab's testing vehicle. My major contributions include stereo vision based localization, pedestrian detection, dynamic obstacle tracking and monocular visual odometry algorithms. This group has taught me some very essential skills like teamwork, dedication and commitment towards my goals.

I am an active open-source contributor and I am currently a Google Summer of Code student under NumFOCUS organisation. My project involves development of a new Object Tracking package ImageTracking.jl for JuliaImages, the most widely used Image Processing library in Julia.