Yay! after almost a month, the much awaited results of Google Summer Of Code are out, and I have been selected to work with JuliaImages under NumFOCUS.
The Google Summer of Code is an international annual program in which Google awards stipends to all students who successfully complete a requested free and open-source software coding project during the summer.
JuliaImages hosts the major Julia packages for image processing. Julia is well-suited to image processing because it is a modern and elegant high-level language that is a pleasure to use, while also allowing you to write "inner loops" that compile to efficient machine code (i.e., it is as fast as C). Julia supports multithreading and, through add-on packages, GPU processing.
The Julia Language and JuliaImages
JuliaImages is a collection of packages specifically focused on image processing. It is focused on clean architecture and is designed to unify "machine vision" and "biomedical 3d image processing" communities.
My GSoC project will be mentored by Zygmunt Szpak.
The project involves the development of a new Object Tracking package ImageTracking.jl for JuliaImages. I will be adding Julia implementations of 2 optical flow algorithms namely Lucas-Kanade and Farneback which are the two most widely used optical flow algorithms, used in different scenarios depending on whether speed or accuracy is the major requirement. For the object tracking module, I will be adding 4 tracking algorithms that have different advantages over each other in terms of tracking accuracy, ability to handle occlusion, speed, etc.
Very excited to be working with the Julia community and look forward to having an wonderful summer!